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Houses: Their Histories &
Their Role in Terre d'Ange
(Reference key found
Valerian House
House motto: I Yield
Canon: propensity to find pleasure in the extremity of pain and
trained in the receiving thereof, atonement, sweet yielding games of
power; Imri sees pride in them, "they wanted to be challenged" (KS
346); singular pride, deep and untouchable (KS 509)
Marque: a scrolling base of Valerian leaves etched on the small
of her back, beginning to climb her spine (KS 349)
The House itself: long entrance warded by trees on either side;
the Shahrizai maintain their own chamber here (their standing contract
includes no maiming, no branding or flechettes, no scars unless agreed
upon in separate contract beforehand)
Assignation: Valerian's adepts present themselves, naked,
bowing, eyes downcast; the adepts refuse to use clients' first names,
calling them rather 'my lord' or 'my lady'
Adepts: Jean-Baptise Marais is the Dowayne during Phedre's
Didier Vascon is the Second during Phedre's training and Dowayne when
Imri goes with the Shahrizai in KS
Sephira is the adept Imri gets involved with - her signale is
Notable moments: Valerian appears in a hareem motif (Pasha's
Dream) at Phedre's first Midwinter Masque; the Shahrizai mourned for
Baudoin and Lyonette here
Other information: lesson of the spiced candies
Phedre's view on Valerian: "Any spark of disobedience or rebellion had
long been conditioned from the adepts of Valerian House; and how not,
when their motto was, 'I yield'? Mighty Kushiel did not minister to
the yielding, but to those who disobeyed and dared suffer the agonies
of defeat." (KD 130)
Melisande's comments on Valerian adepts: "the others, who are trained
to it from birth, like hounds cringing under the whip for a kind touch
from their master's hand" (KD 320)
Delaunay's view on Valerian and its patrons: "whipping toy for
ham-fisted tradesmen" (KD 360)
In short, everyone in Dart is incredibly snobby and contemptuous
toward this House. Both Imriel and Mavros, though, see and acknowledge
the pride of Valerian's adepts. I'm inclined to think that Phedre just
skews the perceptions of those around her.
"These are Naamah's Servants, bound to her worship in their own way.
And yes, they serve Kushiel, too, and find pleasure in it. No one is
here against their will" (KS 344)