The Duc L'Envers, Barquiel is pale blond with deep violet eyes and a
fondness for Akkadian trappings, including a burnoose, short hair, and
sumptuous furnishings.
Barquiel's wife administers their ancestral estates in Namarre and
more or less stays out of her ambitious husband's political games (KA
**spoilers for Dart, Chosen, and Avatar**
He spends the beginning of Dart in Khebbel-im-Akkad, arranging
the marriage of his daughter Valère to the Khalif's son, the
Lugal Sinaddan-Shamabarsin. Barquiel's sister, Isabel,
married Rolande de la Courcel after arranging (perhaps
accidentally) the death of Rolande's first betrothed, Edmée de
Rocaille. Anafiel Delaunay wrote a poem naming Isabel a murderess,
which began a long enmity between himself and Barquiel. Delaunay used
Phèdre and Alcuin to gain information on Isabel's death by poison and
negotiate a peace between himself and Barquiel. Barquiel's niece,
Ysandre de la Courcel, assumed the crown of Terre d'Ange when Ganelon
died in Dart. He saved Phèdre and Joscelin's lives at Troyes-le-Mont
and tried, in his own way, to find and bring Melisande to justice in
Chosen. He also brought about Marmion Shahrizai's exile.
Barquiel is named the Royal Commander after Percy de Somerville's
death. In Avatar, Barquiel opposed trying to find Imriel,
although he made no traceable, overt attempts on Imriel's life.
**spoilers for Scion, Justice, and Mercy**
Barquiel remained suspicious of Imriel through most of the second
trilogy. He paid a man to cast suspicion on Imriel by implicating him
in a treasonous scheme. When Phèdre discovered Barquiel's role in the
incident, Ysandre had him step down from his post as Royal Commander.
Barquiel also paid or led another man to defile the Longest Night to
rant at Sidonie and Imriel. However, when the realm was truly in need
in Mercy, Barquiel summoned Alais from Alba and held the realm
together until Imriel and Sidonie could save it.
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