for Avatar, Scion, Justice, and Mercy*
Sidonie de la Courcel is Ysandre and Drustan's older
daughter, the Dauphine of Terre d'Ange. She resembles her mother, save
that her hair is somewhat darker (a burnished gold) and her eyes are
Cruithne black. Sidonie is nearly two years younger than Imriel; her
birthday is in the spring. Imriel's birthday is later in the same
season (KS 313). For her first assignation in the Night Court, Sidonie
goes to Jasmine House. Her closest confidante is Amarante of
Namarre, the daughter of the Head Priestess of Naamah's order.
Sidonie at first dislikes Imriel, but after he saves Alais's dog,
Celeste, and dives atop Sidonie thinking to protect her from a boar,
her feelings begin to change. When Imriel returns from Tiberium, they
embark on a passionate, utterly secret affair, which remains hidden
(except to Mavros and Amarante) until Imriel returns from Alba after
Dorelei's death. At that point, the affair is revealed, and Ysandre
pitches the hissy fit of doom. Imriel then leaves yet again, this time
for Vralia and justice, and Sidonie stays at home to win the support
of the priesthood and generally win at every confrontation with
everyone. Sidonie and Imriel have a brief respite together, but
Carthage's magics come between them, separating them for the last
time. In the end, Sidonie's utter trust in Imriel allows them to break
Carthage's spell, and Ysandre allows them to wed, because they did in
fact just save the country.
*Spoilers for Naamah's Kiss*
Sidonie and Imriel have three children. The oldest is Anielle
(a girl), and she inherits the throne of Terre d'Ange. From her, the
rulers of Terre d'Ange are: Queen Josephine and King Gautier,
then Daniel de la Courcel and his first wife, then Daniel de la
Courcel and Jehanne nó Cereus. Daniel's heir in Naamah's
Kiss is Thierry de laCourcel.
Timeline A timeline
of Chosen thru Mercy in terms of Imriel, Sidonie, and
Alais's ages can be found
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